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Potential Love Across The Steps: A Halloween Story

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A flickering light appeared along with a sense of being. All that Jack could see was a few steps, a front lawn and a street with several passing cars.

What is this place? Jack thought. What am I doing here?

Just then, a companion of sorts appeared opposite him on the same step.

Who’s that?

Jack did a lot of thinking because he couldn’t speak, for he had no tongue. He had but two eyes, a triangle shaped nose and some jagged teeth.

His companion had a similar shape, but the face was more feminine.

Those eyes are like the pits of a peach. And the nose, the nose is soft and small like a grape tomato. And what are those thin lines spreading like rays of sun from near the edges of her upturned smile? Are those whiskers?

Jack became enamored with his companion, but she sat motionless, expressionless even.

I must go to her.

He realized, at that moment, he could not go to her. For he had no legs.

How can I get to her?

Jack noticed some strange looking figures passing by the sidewalk that dissected his front lawn.

Perhaps one of them can help me.

“Hello! Hello! Can you help me reach my companion?”

The words never made it past Jack’s mind. Remember, he had no tongue.

How can I ever get their attention if I can’t call to them? How will I ever get to my companion?

Jack’s thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of legs and shoes moving up the stairs between him and his companion.

What is that? Where are they going?

Knock knock knock. “Trick or treat.”

What’s that sound?

“Oh, look at you two! Those are great costumes. Here you go. Happy Halloween.”

“Thank you.”

The same legs and shoes moved past Jack again, but this time they went in the opposite direction and continued to the street.

Trick or treat? What’s that?

Jack saw two more strange figures approaching and thought of asking them for help.

“Hello! Hello! Down here!”

The figures walked past Jack and up the stairs.

Oh no! They just can’t hear me. What am I going to do?

Knock knock knock. “Trick or treat.”

Maybe I can touch one of them as they pass by again.

Jack waited until he heard the approaching steps and he reached out with all his might.

Alas, Jack had no arms.

Drat! I could not reach them. I must find a way to get to my companion.

Jack thought and thought and yelled and reached at every passing figure, but had no success. Hours went by. Jack began to feel dim. He had nearly given up on ever being able to reach his companion when a pair of legs appeared in front of him and stopped.

They must have heard me!

The legs turned to face him. Jack could hear voices, but they weren’t saying the all to familiar trick or treat. They were speaking in hushed tones and Jack couldn’t make out what they were saying.

Just then, Jack felt two chilly forces on his sides. He began to feel lighter than air.

I am growing taller! Jack thought.

They are taking me to my companion! They have heard my pleas and have come to deliver me to my beloved!

As Jack’s elevation increased, he could see a puffy material, then a face that was much different than his own, then shaggy brown hair that sat atop the face. Finally, from above the shaggy brown hair of the strange figure, he could see his companion far below.

The figure that was transporting Jack, spun quickly!

Jack became weightless, but heavy all at once. He could see the stars, but they were leaving him. His body turned and he saw his companion approaching, but only Jack was moving.

I’m getting closer and closer to my beloved! I should introduce myself.

“Good evening, my name is Ja”
