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5 Minute Journaling Works For Me

I have been writing in my five minute journal every day since September 4 and I believe it has certainly allowed me to be introspective and more grateful for all of the things I have and even the things that seem like annoyances.

It allows me to think about how my day went (inside my head). How I could have made it better. And what I’m going to change tomorrow or at least be cognizant of tomorrow if I make the same mistake and over time it will get corrected.


My 5 Minute Journal template:

Inspirational quote:

3 Things I Am Grateful For:

What Would Make Today Great?

Daily Affirmations. I am…

At Night:

3 Amazing Things That Happened Today:

How Could I Have Made Today Even Better?

Then I have a space at the bottom for extra motivation or thoughts.


If you don’t do something along these lines, I would seriously consider adding it into your morning and nightly routine.

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